Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Our little talk.. and the relationship with the BM..

Truthfully, I can't complain about the BM. We have a pretty good relationship, she texts me, we go to Peter Piper Pizza together, I drop off the baby at her house. It's not bad. Actually I'm very lucky. But with that positive relationship comes the fact that she is involved in our lives.. alot.
Not in a bad way, she's just always there. For instance, our first family Thanksgiving is this year at our house. I'm from California, living in AZ, so my people are traveling to our home along with my sisters BF and his family. [his fam lives in AZ too] Hubby's fam lives here and they are heading over as well. It'll be the first big family get together before the wedding in April. we were walking through the backyard figuring out how many tables we'll need- Arizonans have Tday in their backyard because it's still 70degrees in November. We're talking about how many people will come- and he mentions BM is probably coming too. Hmm.
BM is coming??
To our house??
For Thanksgiving??

This seems strange to me- but really more sad than anything else. Her family LIVES HERE. Not to mention LITERALLY 5 MINUTES WALKING from our house. 5 minutes!! Why doesn't she go to her OWN Families Thanksgiving?

Okay.,. number 2.

Hubby has always provided monetary support to BM. She's broke, it's my baby, what am I supposed to do... blah blah blah. Every opther SM has heard it before.. But.. he owns his own business, and he needed someone to do some field work for him taking pics of foreclosures, running around town, etc. etc. So he thought- instead of just have her ask for money- he hired her.
But he didn't ask me how I felt about it before- he asked me after while we were at breakfast with my friend. so it wasn't really a place to talk about it- and all i said was "It's your business"
Now.. The logical me thinks its a decent decision. The Female me says - WTF bitch- I don't want u working that close with my husband.
Which me is right?
P.S. He never asked me again. I don't want to bring it up- but should I? It's just weird.. I'm not mad, I just would have liked to have been prepped.

We went out on a date last night, we walked to a local sushi place near our house. really good, and there I told him we need to have a TEAM baby meeting about what we are going to do when she tantrums- just so we are consistent across the board. She has been getting out of hand, and at 2- I think she has figured out how to manipulate the different households. little stinker.
We have her for 10 days starting friday, because BM is flying to Colorado to visit her BF who moved there last month. We'll see if the behaviors get better in those 10days.
I however will be leaving this weekend to go wedding dress shopping with my girls and my mom. I'll be in the OC till sunday- I'm so excited!

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog...welcome to the blogosphere!!! Sounds like you guys have a really unique situation...I totally hear ya though. Sometimes I think it's easier if you have a bad relationship with the bm because then it's okay to hate her! Though, I would rather we got along because it is exhausting to carry on as we do.
